
StratCom Staff

Web Services

Lance Campbell Software Architect 217-333-0382

Lance Campbell is the Software Developer behind the many tools offered by Web Services. He began writing software in sixth grade on an Apple 2e. The computer back then weighed more than he could lift. Today he writes software in the cloud. If you have a great idea on how to improve communications or marketing just let Lance know. If he likes your idea he might even build a new Webtool.

Jim Wilson Director of Web Services 217-333-4312

Jim Wilson oversees Web Services and helps to create and support Webtools, a suite of marketing and communications solutions available to units and departments. Jim enjoys juggling and getting out and exploring new places.

Strategic Communications and Marketing

507 E. Green St | MC-426

Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-5010
