Communities of Practice

StratCom-led Communities

StratCom hosts communities of practice for university marketing and communications professionals to deepen their knowledge and expertise while connecting with colleagues across campus units.

Community of Practice DescriptionContact
Chief Communications Officers Academic and outreach units across the Illinois campus identify a chief communications officer for their unit. Learn more about CCO.Robin Kaler,
MarCom at IllinoisThe MarCom at Illinois Team shares upcoming brand workshops, trainings, events, updates and generic discussions related to university communications and marketing efforts. Open to all campus communicators and marketers, including web developers, designers, writers and social media experts.
Social Media DirectorsA group of social media professionals from CCO units gather monthly for workshops, discussion of best practices and emerging trends. August Schiess,
Lea Peck,
Special Events Executive NetworkEvent planners across the U. of I. are welcome to join SEEN to discuss best practices, policies, processes and more.Laura Wilhelm-Barr,
Story Call This campus-wide call takes place once a week. Communicators from CCO units meet to amplify stories for cross-promotional consideration, receive campus updates and hear from other communicators.Katie Watson,
Campus VideographersOpen to all campus staff who produce or work with others to produce video. The campus videographers group meets three times a year for workshops and presentations.E. Todd Wilson,
Campus PhotographersThis group is open to all photographers — even communicators who include photography in part of their job duties. Workshops are held year-round to help professionals help share expertise. E. Todd Wilson,

Campus-led Communities

Media Monthly: Campus communicators meet monthly to discuss relevant topics and best practices around story pitching, working with local media and more. Meetings occur at 10 a.m. on the second Thursday of each month.

Website Implementation Guidelines Group: WIGG is a collaborative partnership across campuswide web development, information technology, accessibility and design professionals. The group creates website deliverables for broad campus use.

Web Con: This two-day virtual conference brings together web designers, developers, social media marketers, content managers/creators and other web professionals within higher ed and beyond. The conference is planned and led by a dedicated group of volunteers across campus.

Mailing Lists

There are a wide variety of email-based mailing lists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. StratCom manages mailing lists that are relevant to campus communicators.