Paid Marketing and Media Buying

StratCom leads the university’s utilization of paid media, email marketing, mobile marketing and marketing insights. We base our marketing decisions on data, enhancing our engagement with our audiences. By leveraging technologies like CRM/Slate software, we gain real-time insights into trends and the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

Our Expertise

  • Media Planning and Buying: We strategically plan, secure and oversee paid media to drive marketing objectives effectively and support the university’s marketing goals.
  • CRM/Slate Consulting: Using the university’s customer relationship management system, our team consults on the strategy to create cohesive, tailored constituent experiences. We equip colleges, units and departments with templates, training and guidance to seamlessly nurture prospects, manage events and enhance communications across email journeys and SMS.
  • Marketing Insights: We offer data-driven insights derived from digital marketing endeavors facilitating informed decision-making regarding Illinois marketing investments.

Media Planning and Buying

StratCom is your partner in bringing the Illinois story to life on a variety of platforms. From modest budgets to grand endeavors, we’re here to empower your unit’s paid marketing campaigns.

Our expertise spans across a wide array of platforms, including Google Search, Google Display, YouTube, Facebook/Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Demand-Side Platform encompassing display, streaming audio, streaming video and Out-Of-Home advertising. Utilizing StratCom’s expertise in paid media placement allows units a cost savings by leveraging economies of scale for purchasing.

Work With Us

To kickstart your digital campaign journey, we simply need:

  1. Budget: Let us know your resources, and we’ll craft a strategy that maximizes your ROI.
  2. Timeline: Share your deadlines, and we’ll ensure everything runs like clockwork.
  3. Target Audience: Who are you looking to reach? We can help identify your audience.
  4. Creative Components: Depending on your chosen tactics, we’ll need text, static images, videos or audio that resonate with your audience.
  5. Landing Page: A well-crafted landing page is important for guiding your audience.

CRM Consulting

The university employs the Slate CRM platform for recruitment and enrollment management purposes. Our team offers consultation services to academic units interested in utilizing the platform and provides guidance on best practices for student journey prospect nurturing, offering templates and delivering training sessions.

  • Engage More Students: Start building your first-party data lists by using Slate to capture prospective student interest.
  • Personalized Communication: Support prospective students at every step of their journey with customized, automated messaging at scale.
  • Marketing ROI: CRM analytics and source attribution enable you to track students across their journey to the point of enrollment.

SLATE CRM Resources

  • List management
  • Inquiry form setup
  • Data uploads
  • Workflow optimization
  • Automated messaging
  • Email communication campaigns
  • Text SMS campaigns
  • Event registration and communications
  • Queries and reports
  • Custom portals
  • Training
  • Templates
  • Consulting

Need assistance? Contact us.