Free Speech and Expression

Free speech and academic freedom are foundational to our university’s missions of discovery and exploration. Questioning ideas, posing alternative opinions and presenting different perspectives is how we create knowledge and help everyone to have more meaningful engagement with the world around them. The manner in which those freedoms are expressed is not unlimited and expressive conduct must still comply with applicable laws and university policies.

We have created this page to provide our faculty, staff, students and campus visitors with a compilation of our policies around speech and expression as well as resources and contacts for more information. These policies are in place to allow everyone to exercise their rights of expression in ways that create a lively and vibrant exchange of ideas on campus while limiting disruptions to the learning environment, university operations and campus activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore frequently asked questions on free speech and expressions at Illinois.

View FAQs

Relevant Laws

  • The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment applies to government entities in general by way of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Section 4 of Article I to the Illinois Constitution recognizes that “all persons may speak, write and publish freely, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In trials for libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a sufficient defense.”

Relevant Policies

The university has several policies that are relevant to those who want to exercise their right to freedom of speech and expression while on university property.

University Resources and Support

  • Student Organization Development and Administration: This site offers information on joining or even creating a Registered Student Organization at Illinois, as well as resources and information to support RSOs.
  • Student Assistance Center: The SAC serves as a hub for students who are facing a broad range of issues which may be impacting their academic performance and success at the university. The SAC staff helps students understand university policies and procedures and connects them to campus resources and supports students in crisis.
  • Facility Scheduling and Event Resources
  • Campus Belonging: This site provides resources that address incidents of bias within our campus community.
  • I-Team: The I-Team is a group of staff that helps ensure student expression of First Amendment rights at events on campus while within the parameters of the Expressive Activity on Campus Policy.
  • Trolling/Doxxing resources: These pages provide support for scholars and guidance for their unit executive officers when scholars are the subject of trolling and/or doxxing attacks.
  • Office of Threat Assessment: This office provides information about how our Threat Assessment Team identifies concerning and threatening behaviors that have the potential to lead to violence against a person and/or group.
  • Campus Violence Prevention Plan
  • Campus Emergency Operations Plan
  • Demonstration Response Plan: This plan provides general guidance to our campus community about our response to demonstrations in a way that is consistent with our shared priorities and institutional values.
  • Guidelines on Departmental Statements: This is not a policy, but a set of guidelines based on a resolution approved by the University Senate for departments about best practices to avoid silencing or misrepresenting the voices of faculty holding minority views.

Outside Resources

The external websites linked from this section are created by sources outside the university and not endorsed, edited or approved by the university. The content and the items accessible from the pages are the sole responsibility of their creators and do not represent positions, policies or opinions of the university.

Report Violations and Concerns

If you believe your rights have been violated or you have witnessed an act of bias, threatening behavior, discrimination or harassment, learn where to report it.

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Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-5010
