Procedures for Accepting Advertising

Prior to accepting a sponsorship, making an acknowledgment, or accepting advertisements or advertising in campus publications (including digital publications, campus websites and social media), a campus unit must determine, in consultation with Strategic Communications and Marketing, Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS), Office of University Counsel, and the Office of Treasury Operations, University Tax as necessary, that the sponsorship, acknowledgment, or advertising meets a number of requirements specific to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Units Exempt from the Unit Executive Officer Approval Requirements

Units that are exempt from the unit executive officer approval requirements from the Campus Administrative Manual Policy on Sponsorship and Advertising in Campus Publications include Allerton Park and Retreat Center; Campus Stores; Mail, and Receiving; Division of Intercollegiate Athletics; Illini Center; Illini Union Bookstore; Krannert Art Museum; Krannert Center for the Performing Arts; Levis Center; Spurlock Museum; State Farm Center; WILL; and Willard Airport.

Procedures for Campus Units for Approval for Accepting Advertising

Campus units must submit proposals to accept commercial advertising in campus publications to the Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing. For more information contact the Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing at 333-5010 or at

Proposals must be in writing and should include the following information for each proposed commercial advertisement:

  • Description of the goods or services to be advertised.
  • Identification of the advertiser.
  • Relation of the advertising to the campus unit’s mission.
  • Reason for accepting advertising funds instead of using other funding sources.
  • Identification of the account into which funds raised from advertising will be deposited.
  • Estimate of revenue or description and estimated value of goods or services to be received from the advertising.
  • Description of how funds raised by advertising will be used.
  • Identification of the length of time the advertisement will run.
  • Description of the campus publication in which the advertising will be featured and how the advertisement will be presented therein.
  • Description of the structure of the Web site, specifically how many levels (links) removed from the university’s home web page ( and how many levels (links) removed from the campus unit’s home web page).
  • Discussion of whether the content of the advertising could change during the time that the advertisement will run, who will monitor for changes in content, how often such monitoring will occur and mechanisms for controlling objectionable changes in content.
  • Identification of any exclusivity provisions related to the advertisement.

Digital Advertising

For digital advertising, the proposal must also include the following information:

  • Complete description of the purpose of the .com or .info Web page.
  • Relation of the .com or .info Web page to the campus unit’s mission.
  • Proposal for accepting advertisements expected to be solicited for the .com or .info Web page.
  • Estimate of the cost to maintain the .com or .info Web page.
Strategic Communications and Marketing

507 E. Green St | MC-426

Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-5010
