Image Database Policy Agreement

Please read this policy agreement carefully. Using the Image Database means you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions.

General conditions of the Illinois Image Database

All of the images in the Image Database are free of charge and for use in your endeavor to promote your Illinois program. However, model releases signed by image subjects do not authorize the use of the images outside of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Therefore, the images are not to be used by anyone outside the university.

Use of images from the Illinois Image Database in publications, websites, exhibits, displays and presentations

You may use as many of these images as you like, as often as you like, as long as they are used in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign publications (including posters, brochures, etc.), websites, presentations and exhibits, solely for the purpose of promoting the Urbana-Champaign campus and its colleges and units.

Use of images from the Illinois Image Database in merchandise

For the protection of the work of the photographers responsible for providing the images, and the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing who developed and maintain the database, campus departments and staff may not use any images from the Image Database on merchandise. This includes mugs, posters-for-sale, pens, pads, magnets, articles of clothing or any other objects intended to be sold for any dollar amount.

Permission to download the photographs

Illinois faculty and staff are the only individuals who may download and use the images in the Image Database. If faculty members and staff are commissioning external vendors to produce promotional materials for their departments or the campus, they may forward the necessary images to the vendors as long as the vendors agree not to reuse, retain or redistribute the images. Faculty members and staff are prohibited from redistributing photos from the database for any other reason without written permission from the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

Requests for hard copies

The Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing does not have the staff or equipment to provide transparencies or hard copies of any images in the database. Local vendors may be able to help you if you need photographs from any of the digital images in the database.

Altering images

Neither campus faculty members and staff nor their agents may alter the appearance of any individual beyond editing minor cosmetic flaws. Minor blemishes, reflections, stray hair and non-university logos on clothing may be edited, but clothes, hair, people and/or objects may not be removed or added to subjects or photographs without express written permission from the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

Strategic Communications and Marketing

507 E. Green St | MC-426

Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-5010
