Insulated Tumbler

Item number: 243311 Price: $13.00 Size: 20 oz

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Illinois Pride Point Labels available
(order under labels)
The modern fitness movement got its start at Illinois. In 1944, Thomas K. Cureton became the founding director of the Physical Fitness Research Laboratory in the College of Applied Health Sciences, one of the first of its kind in the nation. Cureton developed methods to test cardiovascular fitness, aquatic performance and to appraise the human physique.

Superfluids and Superconductors Sir Anthony J. Leggett, shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering theories that help to explain the seemingly strange behavior of superfluid helium at temperatures approaching absolute zero.

For more than a century, Illinois chemistry professors have analyzed thousands of Illinois water samples. They created the first systematic documentation of the quality of Illinois water. These data became the basis for sanitary and public health reform, standards of water quality and the science of aquatic ecology.

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Champaign, IL 61820

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